Date: 06/15/2020

How to Grow Your Business with SlabWare

How does a small business grow to become a successful large company?  Entrepreneurs must ask themselves this question constantly and take the appropriate actions to help their company grow and profit more.

In this post we will provide tips to help your company achieve these goals using SlabWare.

Keep in Touch with Your Customer Base


Keep in Touch with Your Customer Base

Your database is your company’s gold mine and it needs to be constantly maintained.  One way of keeping lines of communication open with existing customers is to use periodic mailings such as newsletters and emails.  SlabWare lets you send personalized emails to different groups of customers with promotions and updates about your business.



Customized Prices


Perform market research and study your business environment.  Find out how to set your prices and how they fit in with your customers.  SlabWare lets you set custom prices according to the type of customer so you can offer unique experiences to each while adapting your material to market value.



Promote your business online

With SlabWare the internet is no longer a complicated place and has become your ally in winning new customers.  You can display your products online — including remnants — making it easier for your customers to view your inventory and even allowing them to purchase online.  This increases the visibility of your company and increases your business opportunities.


Financial control

Few things can guarantee the survival of your business like having all of your financial data well organized and easily accessible.  With SlabWare featuring Quickbooks integration it’s never been easier to control all your expenses. Record and track all income and expenses, no matter the size, and generate reports that help you detect problems quickly.

Read here the importance of stock control



Having your team well-prepared is the best way to ensure they’re ready to perform quickly and efficiently when your customers need them.  With SlabWare you can register up to 10 users in the system, each with different permissions and levels of access. Even with everyone accessing and editing the system, activity management will be unique to the user and personalized, helping to avoid misunderstandings and mistakes.


When you ask yourself how to grow your business in a sustainable way you must be mindful that everything starts with management and organization.  From this base you can establish strategies and take actions when the growing pains arise.



Forget paperwork, bills, and headaches.  With SlabWare everything is very practical; you can access it from your computer, phone, or tablet, from anywhere 24-hours a day!

Try the system now for free for 30 days and see for yourself how SlabWare can help your business continue to grow and evolve!



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